29th April, 7:45 pm, Co. Wicklow
BEcome energetically one with Anything,
and you will experience it all the time.
Clear subconscious emotions, beliefs and energy patterns around your worthiness baseline, so you can naturally expect and receive more joy, peace, love and miracles in your life.
Miracles – as resolutions of personal struggles and as delightful or awe-inspiring phenomena – can happen all the time, your energy either allows them into your life or not.
In this healing session, the Light Codes will unlock and release deep-seated polarity and stress around receiving what you wish for yourself.
When you vibrate as worthy of Harmony deep inside, you expect happy resolutions, gifts and help from Life. This creates unified compatibility with what you desire, and, therefore, makes it available to you.
“Become energetically one with what you desire and you will experience it all the time“.
29th April, Friday 7:45 pm – 9:15 pm, Castleruddery, Co. Wicklow.
We will be in a unique, completely round cob house (all natural materials), surrounded by beautiful trees, flowers and healing nature.
Please pay for the course, and then fill out the form below to register.
Payments: Revolut to +353872861257 or text to do a Bank Transfer. Or else pay below. Consessions AVAILBLE: please contact for more information.